Life Transitions and Change

Change is constant. Anxiety. doesn’t have to be

The transitions you once looked forward to are now feeling like a dread. You know life is a series of ever-changing chapters but why does it feel so hard to move through them?

Maybe you are embarking on a new career, crossing the stage at graduation, saying "I do”, or preparing for parenthood. Or perhaps it is a quieter experience of moments of self-discovery and evolving relationships.

While trying to plan your next move, anxiety might kick in and make it hard to enjoy these transitions and take away from being present with yourself. You start overthinking and anticipating the challenges of change instead of looking forward to what a transition could bring to your life.

how i can help

Thriving through change.

Therapy can provide valuable support during life transitions by offering a safe and healing space to explore the emotional challenges that arise. Through compassionate guidance and processing the obstacles of change, I will support you to develop coping strategies, build resilience, and gain a deeper understanding of yourself. By working collaboratively, my goal is to help you feel like you are embracing change, managing anxiety, and finding a sense of stability and empowerment amidst life's transitions.

Ready to get started?

You are worth it.